jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2018

LA AMENAZA SKRULL SE ACERCA!! Llegan las primeras imágenes de Brie Larson como Capitana Marvel

El pasado día Brie larson (@brielarson) puso en su Twitter:

Hey @EW (Entertainment Weekly) I´m bored. Wanna break the Internet tomorrow?
Traducción al español:
Hola @EW estoy aburrida. Queréis romper el Internet mañana?

Y Entertainment Weekly contestó:

Yes! Meet us here at noon ET. We´ve got something Marvel-ous in mind. 😉
Traducción al español:
Sí! Reúnete con nosotros aquí a mediodía ET. Tenemos algo Marvel-ous (Maravilloso) en mente. 😉

Resultado de imagen de 1 day later

Y ya llegó el día de hoy y nos llegaron las prímeras imágenes de la esperadísima película Capitana Marvel, protagonizada por Brie Larson!!

Resultado de imagen de captain marvel entertainment weekly

Resultado de imagen de captain marvel

<p>The film sidesteps the traditional origin-story template, and when it begins, Carol already has her powers. She&rsquo;s left her earthly life behind to join the elite military team Starforce on the Kree planet of Hala.&nbsp;(Directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck describe Starforce as the SEAL Team Six of space.) Its members include Carol, Korath (Djimon Hounsou, returning from&nbsp;<em>Guardians of the Galaxy</em>),&nbsp;and Minn-Erva (<em>Crazy Rich Asians&#8217;&nbsp;</em>Gemma Chan).</p>

<p>Jude Law plays the commander of Starforce, who views Carol as a mentee and pet project. &ldquo;These extraordinary powers she has, he sees them as something of a blessing and something that she has to learn how to control,&rdquo; Law says. &ldquo;That&rsquo;s a motif throughout the piece, the element of learning to control one&rsquo;s emotions and to use your powers wisely.&rdquo;</p>

<p>As any Marvel comics fan knows, the Skrulls are especially dangerous because of their unparalleled ability to shape-shift. On Earth, Mendelsohn&#8217;s Talos goes undercover as a human working within S.H.I.E.L.D. (seen here with directors Fleck and Boden). &#8220;It&#8217;s not easy being green,&#8221; Mendelsohn quips.</p>

<p>MCU fans have met the Kree race before in&nbsp;<em>Guardians of the Galaxy,&nbsp;</em>and two familiar faces &mdash; Hounsou&#8217;s Korath and Lee Pace&#8217;s Ronan the Accuser (pictured here) &mdash; will appear in&nbsp;<em>Captain Marvel.&nbsp;</em>In&nbsp;<em>Guardians,&nbsp;</em>Ronan is an outcast with extremist views, but here, he&#8217;s still a high-ranking member of Kree society.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Back on Earth, the 1990s are in full swing. Expect plenty of era-appropriate references &mdash; and fashion, judging by Carol&#8217;s Nine Inch Nails T-shirt.</p>

<p><em>Captain Marvel&nbsp;</em>marks Samuel L. Jackson&#8217;s ninth appearance as Nick Fury, but this Nick is a lowly S.H.I.E.L.D. desk jockey (who hasn&#8217;t yet met any superheroes). He&#8217;s younger than we&#8217;ve ever seen him (Jackson was digitally de-aged for the role), and perhaps most shocking of all, he&#8217;s missing his signature eyepatch.</p>

<p>Even before she became Captain Marvel, Carol was an accomplished Air Force pilot, and Larson spent time with actual pilots for research.</p>

<p>The film also introduces Lashana Lynch as Maria Rambeau, one of Carol&#8217;s oldest friends. She&#8217;s a top-notch Air Force pilot with the call sign &#8220;Photon,&#8221; and she&#8217;s also a single mother to a young daughter.</p>

<p>The film also introduces one of Marvel comics&#8217; nastiest and most notorious baddies: the Skrulls. Ben Mendelsohn plays their leader, Talos, seen here in all his bright-green glory. But he&#8217;s got another face, too&#8230;</p>

Los Skrulls me suenan a Piccolo de Dragon Ball: Evolution. 😜

Imágenes de Entertainment Weekly.com

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